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The Gift of Sharing: What to Expect When Joining 'Buy Nothing' Groups
In a world characterized by consumerism and materialism, a heartwarming movement has emerged, challenging the status quo and redefining the way we interact with our communities. ‘Buy...
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The Silent Threat Lurking in Your Laundry: Are Microfibers Ruining the Planet?
In an era marked by technological advancements and innovation, we are constantly surrounded by synthetic materials, many of which have appeared on the surface level to have transformed...
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5 Tips for Waste-Free Lunchboxes
When I first heard the term ‘nude food’ from my childs classroom teacher, I was horrified…how on earth would lunch stay fresh? Not to mention the convenience of just...
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The Dark Side of Shein Hauls: How Social Media Influencers Fuel the Fast Fashion Problem
In the age of social media dominance, where trends are born and spread at the speed of light, influencers hold immense power. From promoting lifestyle products to dictating fashion...
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What Is Food Sovereignty and Why You Should Care: Nourishing People and the Planet
In a world where hunger remains a pressing global issue, the terms “food security” and “food sovereignty” are often used interchangeably. However, these concepts...
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Bamboo Toothbrush Showdown: Unveiling Our Top 5 Brands
In an era when eco-conscious choices are more critical than ever, even the simple act of choosing a toothbrush can make a significant impact given that approximately 3.5 billion are...
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